Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wooly Bears

Did you know that wooly bears are not bears?

I should hope that you posess such knowledge about them. So what are they..... WELL, caterpillars. I have had many an experience with them. In fact, just yesterday my little sister found a wooly bear. It had a really small brown band, so you know that you are in for a rough winter.

But probably my most memorable account with a wooly bear was with LAR. Lar was a little wooly bear that my friend and i found. (OK, ok, It is you, Dana.) And we named it Lar. We did a photo shoot with Lar before he fell into a crack. Then we had to get him out, and BOY, that was an ordeal!!! Poor Lar. But he made it out, and so now he is OK. But I loved Lar, and I really like Wooly Bears. I guess it is just their Wooly Bear-ness. When you go for hikes, check that you don't step on em'!

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