Sunday, October 10, 2010

Orders and Pictures

Today I am going to write without first putting a title down first. You know, usually I pick a title and then write all about it. However, I cannot think of a title, well, a good title, so I am going to write about whatever comes to mind then put a title naming it. I was thinking that It would be neat if I could start embedding videos or posting pictures with my blog posts as well. I mean, several people do, I might as well. Why has my blog been all text anyways? Well, here I go...

And, no, I did not upload that off the internet. That is a real, honest to goodness picture I took at the Fall Harvest Festival. And, hey, if you are one of those who wants their pics, please post on lightening bugs (my wiki) the code of the one you want. I will have it there.


The above candle line picture... 01
Cameron Face/Candle........ 02
Single Candle Flame...........03
Dana Looking down at candles with jacket on... 04
Dana looking down at candles without jacket......05
K  by candles.....................................06
K head/candles..................................07
K Crossed ankles..............................08
K face close up...................................09
Dana Side view, looking @candle line....10

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