Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thoughts about Thinking

You are probably thinking right now. In fact, if you are reading my blog, you are thinking. You have to be. Feel those Thoughts flow through your head. You can't stop thinking. it never will be. You are always, to the extent of my knowledge, thinking. Now, if you are the skeptic among tohe many people out there, consider the following....

  • Your dreams are, as far as we know, your brain THINKING
  • When you zone out, you are thinking of other things.
  • In order to go about being a person, you have to think about everything.

Thinking is amazing. What would you do if you couldn't THINK? Or if everything you had to say to yourself had to be spoken out loud? What is thinking? And what are mind readers, then? There are so many questions about thinking that I don't know the answer to. Even these thoughts running through my head that I am pounding out now on a keyboard are thoughts. What I am really doing is just posing more questions. There is absolutley no denying it. When you think about thinking... you just think more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cam! Nice blog you got here. If I may make a suggestion, you should consider tagging your posts; as time goes on you may forget if you've already posted something on a given topic, or have trouble finding an old post, but if you add tags...well, if used consistently, they make navigating the whole thing easier.

    Anyway I love you "Do you homework policy" -- every web page should have that disclaimer.

    Regarding the topic of this post, how do you know you are thinking? :)

    Uncle Mike

    PS the "verification word" as I leave this comment is "prever," which must mean that feeling you get right before you come down with a fever.
