Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day

In 14 hundred and nintey- two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue... ect. We all know the saying. And we think we know the whole story and meaning of Columbus and Columbus DAY. But hey, do you? What comes to mind when you think of Columbus? A proud man driving a flag into a white beach? A proud, kind man communicating with the Indians? Who is Columbus really? He could be these images, but in my PERSONAL opinion, I think that Columbus was a little less kind. We pretty much know for a fact that Columbus was abusive to the Native Americans. We always say that Columbus "discovered" America, but on top of the fact that the Indians were here first, there is speculation that the Vikings discovered America before Chris! Now, I am not saying that Columbus's voyage was a meaning-less one. of course it was important. It was important to the whole age of exploration! All I am saying is that we sometimes tend to overlook the bad things about Columbus day that aren't taught to most kids. Just one person's opinion, but a good pondering thought. That's all for today, gnomes!

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