Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Maize Maze

Well, I could have written this on Columbus Day, but Columbus Day seemed like a more pressing issue, seeing as yesterday was... Columbus Day. So today, I am writing about the Corn maze that I visited on Sunday. It is a very large corn maze. Very large. In other words of emphasis, you can see that mass of creativley carved corn from SPACE. This year, the corn maze was plowed to look like a giant Browns player and a Browns helmet, and a giant Steelers player and a Steelers helmet. It is quite cool. So, like last year, (I think this is becoming an annual thing..) We trooped into the maze. Oh, by the way, if you didn't catch the title, Maize means corn. (ooooooooh.) So we figured out this year that the paths were the lines and not the space in between. We made it out alive and enjoyed the other fruits of the fall harvest fest. bottom line, it was cool.

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