Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I sure knew that I would use the title DC again. And look, I did! But this time, I AM GOING TO DC TOMORROW MORNING, YEAH!!!!!! So, I probably won't be posting any more this week and possibly not on the weekends. I have to get up at six in the morning now. SIX IN THE MORNING. I am probably goung to pack my pillow on the bus, which reminds me that I am posting, not packing. Anyways, to make the getting up at 5:00 to get there by 6:00, dot time, worse, (My made up phrase for on the dot.) I have to go in DC Dress! DC dress does NOT include the following ever so awesome bus ridin' clothes. As I list these items that we may not wear, let me remind you of this. I, and most of you that read this, have an 8 HOUR bus ride ahead of us. At least it's on a charter bus. I might go crazy with 8 hours on a school bus...

Things that We Can't wear on the bus: A SHORT LIST
1. Sweats
4.T-Shirts with a design on them
5. Really- shouldn't wear plain ol' shirts in general.

So, yes, you see my point now, right? Maybe. But in the long run I am so excited... who knew that me, Cameron, could go to DC?

All I can say is I have decided... not to bring a jar of cheese. I have quite the journey ahead of me! :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Day of Shop

Shopping takes many forms. It can be good, it can be totally budget busting, it can be... shopping. Today, I am going shopping. That is a boring topic for a blog. You do not want to read about someone going shopping for apparell to wear to DC, which by the way I am going to on THIS WEDNESDAY!!! No, you do not. But yet, I think I know what I would read about... a hunt for cheesecloth. Yes, besided actual stuff that I really need, I need cheese cloth. Cheese cloth is really cool. If you have never seen it before, I am posting a picture of it in the Random Picture of the Week down there. (Last two week picture was a flying stapler, I think..) Anyways.... I am using cheesecloth to make a cool ghost costume with spiders in it. I was going to be a plain sheet ghost, but I realized I would just look like a lazy costumer. (COSTME -r, not consumer.)  Just like I was a lazy blogger last week. (Big spaces between statments are never appreciated.) but, yeah, I think I can find it in Jo Ann's Fabrics. Or is that Joanne's Fabrics? Yeah, that's it. Joanne's Fabrics. So I am to embark today, cheescloth lookin' and all, ready for both DC.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wooly Bears

Did you know that wooly bears are not bears?

I should hope that you posess such knowledge about them. So what are they..... WELL, caterpillars. I have had many an experience with them. In fact, just yesterday my little sister found a wooly bear. It had a really small brown band, so you know that you are in for a rough winter.

But probably my most memorable account with a wooly bear was with LAR. Lar was a little wooly bear that my friend and i found. (OK, ok, It is you, Dana.) And we named it Lar. We did a photo shoot with Lar before he fell into a crack. Then we had to get him out, and BOY, that was an ordeal!!! Poor Lar. But he made it out, and so now he is OK. But I loved Lar, and I really like Wooly Bears. I guess it is just their Wooly Bear-ness. When you go for hikes, check that you don't step on em'!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Maize Maze

Well, I could have written this on Columbus Day, but Columbus Day seemed like a more pressing issue, seeing as yesterday was... Columbus Day. So today, I am writing about the Corn maze that I visited on Sunday. It is a very large corn maze. Very large. In other words of emphasis, you can see that mass of creativley carved corn from SPACE. This year, the corn maze was plowed to look like a giant Browns player and a Browns helmet, and a giant Steelers player and a Steelers helmet. It is quite cool. So, like last year, (I think this is becoming an annual thing..) We trooped into the maze. Oh, by the way, if you didn't catch the title, Maize means corn. (ooooooooh.) So we figured out this year that the paths were the lines and not the space in between. We made it out alive and enjoyed the other fruits of the fall harvest fest. bottom line, it was cool.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day

In 14 hundred and nintey- two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue... ect. We all know the saying. And we think we know the whole story and meaning of Columbus and Columbus DAY. But hey, do you? What comes to mind when you think of Columbus? A proud man driving a flag into a white beach? A proud, kind man communicating with the Indians? Who is Columbus really? He could be these images, but in my PERSONAL opinion, I think that Columbus was a little less kind. We pretty much know for a fact that Columbus was abusive to the Native Americans. We always say that Columbus "discovered" America, but on top of the fact that the Indians were here first, there is speculation that the Vikings discovered America before Chris! Now, I am not saying that Columbus's voyage was a meaning-less one. of course it was important. It was important to the whole age of exploration! All I am saying is that we sometimes tend to overlook the bad things about Columbus day that aren't taught to most kids. Just one person's opinion, but a good pondering thought. That's all for today, gnomes!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Orders and Pictures

Today I am going to write without first putting a title down first. You know, usually I pick a title and then write all about it. However, I cannot think of a title, well, a good title, so I am going to write about whatever comes to mind then put a title naming it. I was thinking that It would be neat if I could start embedding videos or posting pictures with my blog posts as well. I mean, several people do, I might as well. Why has my blog been all text anyways? Well, here I go...

And, no, I did not upload that off the internet. That is a real, honest to goodness picture I took at the Fall Harvest Festival. And, hey, if you are one of those who wants their pics, please post on lightening bugs (my wiki) the code of the one you want. I will have it there.


The above candle line picture... 01
Cameron Face/Candle........ 02
Single Candle Flame...........03
Dana Looking down at candles with jacket on... 04
Dana looking down at candles without jacket......05
K  by candles.....................................06
K head/candles..................................07
K Crossed ankles..............................08
K face close up...................................09
Dana Side view, looking @candle line....10

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thoughts about Thinking

You are probably thinking right now. In fact, if you are reading my blog, you are thinking. You have to be. Feel those Thoughts flow through your head. You can't stop thinking. it never will be. You are always, to the extent of my knowledge, thinking. Now, if you are the skeptic among tohe many people out there, consider the following....

  • Your dreams are, as far as we know, your brain THINKING
  • When you zone out, you are thinking of other things.
  • In order to go about being a person, you have to think about everything.

Thinking is amazing. What would you do if you couldn't THINK? Or if everything you had to say to yourself had to be spoken out loud? What is thinking? And what are mind readers, then? There are so many questions about thinking that I don't know the answer to. Even these thoughts running through my head that I am pounding out now on a keyboard are thoughts. What I am really doing is just posing more questions. There is absolutley no denying it. When you think about thinking... you just think more.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Ok. I know for a fact that I will be posting this again, or maybe several times in October, but this year, as you all know except maybe my cousins, our Harmon Middle School eighth grade class is going to DC!!! And, I am in eigth grade. Yah. So, naturally it has got to be a really Awesome way to kick off the Halloween! I am going to see a bunch of diffirent cool monuments I have only read about? I am so excited....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Curls In My Hair

I have tried to curl my hair before. When I do, it usually just falls back again, and turnds out looking straight, yet messy a short while later. However, as I sit and type, know that my hair is indeed full of curls. It really is. You might think, (AND I THINK) why have I not learned from my mistakes? (Not to mention why will I never edit this blog?) Well, I am not the one who curled this hair of mine. No ladies, and gentlemen. Dana is the one who curled my hair. She told me, "Let's curl your hair!" You see, I warned her that it might not work. But, she lured me to the curling iron with a bag of spicy southwestern chips. (I am not weak, I am just, well, was hungry.) So soon, I was eatin' chips and playing around on my cell phone, while Dana curled my hair and burned my head. Then, I brushed my hair out a little, and put Dana's retro sunglasses on. As of now? I am waiting to go shopping? Stylish? Maybe. We will see how long this lasts.w