Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Hot Sauce Punch

My brother Quinn and sister Parker recentley took on a hot sauce challange from my other brother Jack. What happened is what follows...

Quinn is not exactly heat resistant. While Parker probably had no trouble with the flames, Quinn did.
I was sitting down to blog, but I wasn't sure what to blog about yet.... then I saw Quinn.

"HOT HOT HOT!" He said. I said, "Quinn what are you DOING?" For he had a sizeable, ice filled glass pressed against his lips. He manadged to say, "Jack gave us a hot sauce challange." Before dunking back into the ice.

Let me tell you, my family has a history of eating too-spicy stuff. This next paragraph is blogging gold.

I, myself am no exeption to this rule. In Spanish class, our class was having a hot pepper eating contest for Cinco de Mayo. The peppers ranged from Jalapeno (hot) to Habenero (REALLY REALLY HOT.) The contest was to see who could eat the most hot peppers with the least facial expression. I was all the way up to habenero (Don't chew) and I came in second. THEN WHAM. Hot hot hot..... I could scarcley breathe it was so hot. I hadn't learned my lesson that water makes it worse, and I was gulping it down like a fish. Oops. HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!! I had to carry a glass of water with me to my next class.

Then there is the infamous story of Jack. One year, we were growing really hot peppers in our garden, and Jack ATE ONE. That was bad. He was screaming to Parker, "GET THE HOSE, GET THE HOSE!" Yes, it was that bad.

And the Hot Sauce challange. Dana and I , (who is Dana? See my profile on the left collumn.) faced off, drinking hotsauce. Yum? It was by a drop, but Dana won, all three, Jalapeno Smoked and Regular in order of spice. Too bad we didn't have Habenero hot sauce.

Well, I could tell you more, but really, It's getting hot in here.

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