Saturday, August 28, 2010


As Dandelions is named after dandelions, I am going to offer the first musing about such.

Some people think that dandelions are weeds... why? Why is a dandelion any diffirent than a rose? Sure, it is smaller, and it grows in hoardes, but what is so diffirent? People feel the need to demean dandelions and I, frankly, am not sure why. I don't like it when people don't aknowledge the existance of some living thing. You may full well disagree with me, but I will leave it to you to comment. What are blogs for? To muse, and to share ideas. So if you disagree with the all flowers for one idea, so be it. But really. Is there any particular reason dandelions are bad?

They bloom a wonderful yellow, and then they turn in to a beautiful wispy flower.

Oh, well. I am not the dandelion police. Decide for yourself. I like Dandelions. Please be respectful if you comment, I can delete your comments.

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