Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Beauty of Bats

I just got back from a presentation on bats at my local nature center. Bats are- wow! Fascinating! You would not believe how amazing it was. We listened to a pro naturalist's presentation about all types of bats in Ohio. There are big brown bats, little brown bats, northern long eared bats and even more! Then, we went to a farmer's farm and he had bat boxes (basically like bird houses for bats) on the side of his horse barn.  We waited until a little later at night and then bats poured out of the bat boxes! They flew out and flew off to hunt and live the really night life. Then, the naturalist and his co workers captured some bats and checked them for parasites. Just looking on at these bats up close and personal was pretty cool! Most people are pretty scared of bats, but really, they are not very big and are quite cute! There was even a bat with a band on its wing. This is rare here in Ohio, so finding that bat was exciting. I was surprised that almost everone there was braving the bats, despite that some people are scared of bats. I loved the experience, and I have to say, it was worth my while. Have you seen bats this summer?

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