Monday, August 30, 2010

The Deal with Turtles

As most of you know, here in Ohio it is illegal to buy a small turtle, or so I am told.  When I heard this news for the first time I was stunned. I had no idea that this was the case with small turtles. However, having recentley watched a documentary on problems with food and having seen problems with salmonella, I had to agree, (If any of you have an amendment to make, Become a follower and post it as a comment or on the Dandelions Blog Page on the lightening bugs wiki.) Anyway, I have heard that it is illegal to sell the small turtles, especially box turtles. This is because the turtles harbor salmonella, a sometimes deadly disesase. What should one do if they own a turtle? Well, I know a turtle named Mr. Turtle. (For actually, people) and the best thing to do is to wash your hands after handling Mr. Turtle or another reptile. REMEMBER DON'T TOUCH WILD ANIMALS! They are wild. Anyway, what do you think? I think maybe it is best for turtles, as not as many get captured for used- to be legal sale. (Hopefully not, anyways) But remember, If you do own a turtle be hygenic, and don't get me wrong, we still love em'. I mean, who ELSE has a shell? I must say, though, for the selling of turtles to be illegal, does that mean one an no longer legally obtain a turtle in Ohio and I think a few other states as well? This must be a blow to turtle lovers everywhere, and especially across Ohio. However, keep faith! There are still lots of other lovley ways by means of zoo or pro naturalist to get up close and personal with turtles. (If you were planning to purchase a turtle, though, DON'T take my word for it, do your research!) Well, that's all for turtles, and, Mr. Turtle? We still love ya.

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