Monday, August 30, 2010

Scroll Down!

Just an FYI, below the posts is a brown area, all the way down there. Yeah. There, you'll find, polls, policies, cool lists o' the season, a way to subscribe to Dandelions, and more! So check out the INFO BLOCK, as it's now called, or IB, and enjoy! That's all for today, my gnomes. (PS, do you mind if I call you that? It's my word instead of peeps.)

The Deal with Turtles

As most of you know, here in Ohio it is illegal to buy a small turtle, or so I am told.  When I heard this news for the first time I was stunned. I had no idea that this was the case with small turtles. However, having recentley watched a documentary on problems with food and having seen problems with salmonella, I had to agree, (If any of you have an amendment to make, Become a follower and post it as a comment or on the Dandelions Blog Page on the lightening bugs wiki.) Anyway, I have heard that it is illegal to sell the small turtles, especially box turtles. This is because the turtles harbor salmonella, a sometimes deadly disesase. What should one do if they own a turtle? Well, I know a turtle named Mr. Turtle. (For actually, people) and the best thing to do is to wash your hands after handling Mr. Turtle or another reptile. REMEMBER DON'T TOUCH WILD ANIMALS! They are wild. Anyway, what do you think? I think maybe it is best for turtles, as not as many get captured for used- to be legal sale. (Hopefully not, anyways) But remember, If you do own a turtle be hygenic, and don't get me wrong, we still love em'. I mean, who ELSE has a shell? I must say, though, for the selling of turtles to be illegal, does that mean one an no longer legally obtain a turtle in Ohio and I think a few other states as well? This must be a blow to turtle lovers everywhere, and especially across Ohio. However, keep faith! There are still lots of other lovley ways by means of zoo or pro naturalist to get up close and personal with turtles. (If you were planning to purchase a turtle, though, DON'T take my word for it, do your research!) Well, that's all for turtles, and, Mr. Turtle? We still love ya.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A High Strung Day

What do you do when everyone in your family has been walking on a tight rope that was fastened between two skyscrapers when it is only six feet long? ALL DAY, crying, pleading little siblings and a protesting mother. What do you do? Sadly, there is only one solution. You have to try to talk, and when that doesn't work, like for me, you remove yourself. I am typing on this blog for the millionth time today because I can't stand it anymore. I am going to go back down there with my family and try again. And if this doesn't work, dandelions help me.

OK, so what if I post too much?

Okay, so since this blog is just starting out, every time you come back, it looks a little diffirent. It's going to take a little while for some of the cement changes to come up. You may have noticed that the caption under the Dandelions header up there has changed. You may also notice that I have added a WHY DANDELIONS box over there to the right collumn. I am also sorry that I post too much. I love getting out there with my posts. Keep in mind, however that it has been a weekend, and on weekdays, I probably won't get to posting until maybe 3 in the afternoon. So, sorry that Dandelions is as changing as a chameleon on a tie dyed shirt, but I will soon get around to the same blog and less posting. Well, that's all for tonight, my gnomes, I have a movie to watch and hopefully some ice cream to eat if I am lucky enough. BTW, If you do get on this blog and you can't BECOME A FOLLOWER, which you can do over there in the righthand collumn, I am trying to work something out so I know if you've ever visited. It may take a while. But for know, I need you to look over in that same righthand collumn and look under SIGN IN. Thanks!

The Hot Sauce Punch

My brother Quinn and sister Parker recentley took on a hot sauce challange from my other brother Jack. What happened is what follows...

Quinn is not exactly heat resistant. While Parker probably had no trouble with the flames, Quinn did.
I was sitting down to blog, but I wasn't sure what to blog about yet.... then I saw Quinn.

"HOT HOT HOT!" He said. I said, "Quinn what are you DOING?" For he had a sizeable, ice filled glass pressed against his lips. He manadged to say, "Jack gave us a hot sauce challange." Before dunking back into the ice.

Let me tell you, my family has a history of eating too-spicy stuff. This next paragraph is blogging gold.

I, myself am no exeption to this rule. In Spanish class, our class was having a hot pepper eating contest for Cinco de Mayo. The peppers ranged from Jalapeno (hot) to Habenero (REALLY REALLY HOT.) The contest was to see who could eat the most hot peppers with the least facial expression. I was all the way up to habenero (Don't chew) and I came in second. THEN WHAM. Hot hot hot..... I could scarcley breathe it was so hot. I hadn't learned my lesson that water makes it worse, and I was gulping it down like a fish. Oops. HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!! I had to carry a glass of water with me to my next class.

Then there is the infamous story of Jack. One year, we were growing really hot peppers in our garden, and Jack ATE ONE. That was bad. He was screaming to Parker, "GET THE HOSE, GET THE HOSE!" Yes, it was that bad.

And the Hot Sauce challange. Dana and I , (who is Dana? See my profile on the left collumn.) faced off, drinking hotsauce. Yum? It was by a drop, but Dana won, all three, Jalapeno Smoked and Regular in order of spice. Too bad we didn't have Habenero hot sauce.

Well, I could tell you more, but really, It's getting hot in here.

Hi, Dana.

I know you can't join this blog, but I know you're out there! SEE ANGRY ANGER in the Blog Archives (Past flowers) in the left collumn over there.

Angry Anger

What do you do when people you know, work and live by have angry anger? Well, it can be frusturating. they sometimes just won't listen, and you have to talk it out. But what if the person who has angry anger can't talk? And what if the "person" was actually... AN ANIMAL!!!!

Step One- Say NO!
Step Two- Say NO!
Step Three- Seek to train your pet.

But don't take my word for it. Really.

And what if that person who has angry anger is, well, let's say they are your brother, as is happening to me today. And no, his name will not be disclosed. But for those of you who know me, the clues will give him away. And if not, you have a 50 50 chance.

He is annoying me today.
He is slappin' my other siblings today
He has been sent to his room.
He is older than 6, yes.

I hope after that last one, if any of you are reading, you know which bro. If not, 50 50!
Anyways, we have covered that. Now what if you're dealing with an angry inanimate object?

Please. See a Professional.


A really quick post- I was just looking at my dandelion slidehows- and a kitten came up! What is goin' on here? And I posted this at 11:38 AM! Weirded out here.


Halloween is one of my favorite time of year, which would sound odd considering that my other favorite holiday is Christmas. I am a scardey cat! However, there is something about Halloween that makes most people a little bit braver, like there is a sort of method to the madness, kind of like you are part of it. You may be wondering why I am blogging about Halloween on August 29th. Well, I like to look ahead. Not like department store looking ahead, but I like to have something to really look forward to. So what exactly am I masquerading as this season? I will save that until a later date.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Beauty of Bats

I just got back from a presentation on bats at my local nature center. Bats are- wow! Fascinating! You would not believe how amazing it was. We listened to a pro naturalist's presentation about all types of bats in Ohio. There are big brown bats, little brown bats, northern long eared bats and even more! Then, we went to a farmer's farm and he had bat boxes (basically like bird houses for bats) on the side of his horse barn.  We waited until a little later at night and then bats poured out of the bat boxes! They flew out and flew off to hunt and live the really night life. Then, the naturalist and his co workers captured some bats and checked them for parasites. Just looking on at these bats up close and personal was pretty cool! Most people are pretty scared of bats, but really, they are not very big and are quite cute! There was even a bat with a band on its wing. This is rare here in Ohio, so finding that bat was exciting. I was surprised that almost everone there was braving the bats, despite that some people are scared of bats. I loved the experience, and I have to say, it was worth my while. Have you seen bats this summer?

When People Refuse to do you Favors

Why do certain people seem resistant to any favors they have to do? Hey, can you throw this out for me? "No, why should I?" and the other issue, when you seem to be the go- to favor person. What should you DO? I say, if someone keeps resisiting favors and you are doing EVERYTHING for them, try to talk to them. Because, sheesh. That can get annoying.


As Dandelions is named after dandelions, I am going to offer the first musing about such.

Some people think that dandelions are weeds... why? Why is a dandelion any diffirent than a rose? Sure, it is smaller, and it grows in hoardes, but what is so diffirent? People feel the need to demean dandelions and I, frankly, am not sure why. I don't like it when people don't aknowledge the existance of some living thing. You may full well disagree with me, but I will leave it to you to comment. What are blogs for? To muse, and to share ideas. So if you disagree with the all flowers for one idea, so be it. But really. Is there any particular reason dandelions are bad?

They bloom a wonderful yellow, and then they turn in to a beautiful wispy flower.

Oh, well. I am not the dandelion police. Decide for yourself. I like Dandelions. Please be respectful if you comment, I can delete your comments.


Fall is one of my favorite seasons. The leaves, the beautiful colors, the everything! Fall is one of those times when the leaves change and you feel breathless. Fall carries a sort of magical feel to it, so you feel like you are walking in some jewel colored globe. What do you think?