Sunday, September 5, 2010

Well, That went well

Actually, YEAH GNOMIES! It did. My Buffalo cousins left this morning, and I am sad to see them go. We did all sorts o cool stuff, like

Glazing Clay at Spirit of Clay                                             Yes, I made a list over there.
Eating Pizza
Hiding under the sink
Watching Hoarders
Eating Pizza
Tying the little two up with dog leashes
Taking Connor on a walk  

It was sweet having my cousins up here for a bit. And hey, if you're reading this, Clare and Meghan, I want to say HI! It's always fun having family over. Believe it or not, I'm not the only one. Dana is having her cuz and uncle over for a snap, too! It's like Family Reunions!  I had an awesome time! I could write about it, But, believe me, This is a great poem....

Cousins we'll forever be,
Friends from the same family tree.

Hey, I didn't write it. Anyways, my cousins are Meghan, 12, and Clare, 9. (You are 9, right clare? ): Sorry.) Thay are awesome, and I hope that all you gnomes out there see your family this labor day, too.

OVER AND OUT, my gnomes...


1 comment:

  1. I was sad to see them leave too. You four get along so well together! I loved hanging with my girls yesterday!!! We'll see them again very soon!
    Fur-baby's momma
