Sunday, September 12, 2010

Snails and a new Computer.

Why don't we start out with the bit about snails? For no seemingly particular reason, Ann, my mom's friend got her children a new pet. It's a mystery snail. If you have never before seen such a snail, look below in the Random Picture of the week section. It is a mystery snail. They are not the same as regular pond snails. SO, pretty cool idea, no? That's why I am getting a pair of.... SNAILS! Snails are pretty weirdley awesome pets. For example, did you know that 5 adult snails can eat a WHOLE HEAD OF LETTUCE???? And I mean, in like, a couple hours. Snails. Eat. Mucho. Hoggy pigs. But all the more reason to love snails. Right? I... may be alone there. But even if you think mystery snails are gross, have an open mind. I mean, fish are tank livers too, right? Well. I like snails. That's good with me .

ON to the new computer top

For those who don't know me I have a dino computer, or still do... BUT I HAVE MICROSOFT WORD AND AN INTERNET CONNECTION NOW!!!! So. happy.

That's all for now, gnomes! Hey, I can print, too!

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