Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Sweetest Cake. Ever.

If you have never been to Cerna's bakery to get their apple cake, you have missed a maijor point in your lives. It is the best cake ever ever ever and if Dana is reading this, which I am SURE she isn't, she can verify that tid bit of information. It is so good1

Friday, September 17, 2010

Who Wants To Take A Quiz?

You know, I have always loved quizzes. They give you more knowledge of, well, yourself. They make you more aware of yourself, true or not. I actually have an affinity to witing quizzes. If you want to see more wack'd quizzes, you should check out http://www.250paperclips.wikispaces.com/ , my quiz wiki. You might enjoy it. I for one do A WHOLE DARN LOT! Sorry that this is such a short tidbit of info, but after swimming for an hour, wolfing down some delish Chipotle and writing this, I have to see a movie con mi familia! There will be a more substantial post tomorrow. Until then,

HAPPY FRIDAY GNOMES! (TGIF, Thank Gnomes It's Friday.)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Snails and a new Computer.

Why don't we start out with the bit about snails? For no seemingly particular reason, Ann, my mom's friend got her children a new pet. It's a mystery snail. If you have never before seen such a snail, look below in the Random Picture of the week section. It is a mystery snail. They are not the same as regular pond snails. SO, pretty cool idea, no? That's why I am getting a pair of.... SNAILS! Snails are pretty weirdley awesome pets. For example, did you know that 5 adult snails can eat a WHOLE HEAD OF LETTUCE???? And I mean, in like, a couple hours. Snails. Eat. Mucho. Hoggy pigs. But all the more reason to love snails. Right? I... may be alone there. But even if you think mystery snails are gross, have an open mind. I mean, fish are tank livers too, right? Well. I like snails. That's good with me .

ON to the new computer top

For those who don't know me I have a dino computer, or still do... BUT I HAVE MICROSOFT WORD AND AN INTERNET CONNECTION NOW!!!! So. happy.

That's all for now, gnomes! Hey, I can print, too!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9- 11

Today, you know is a day of remembrance. On Dandelions, I like to keep it light, but on certain occasions, we must venture forth. I will give this poem out to the readers of this blog. Then I shall post about snails.

On 9 11,
A fateful day,
When towers crashed
Into the fray
Of fire wind and broken bones
And truths as hard as rock and stones
We remember those who gave their lives
For freedom's right
We saw them die
And those who were on flight 93
Who took the wheel, so dangerously.
And those who went with towers tall
For America we saw them fall.
But Americans we stand today.
And Americans we'll ever stay.

Bless America.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Boatload of Homework

Tonight, not counting swimming, I have a load of homework, and I am blogging instead of doing it. So sorry gnomies, I haven't posted since Sunday and BY GOLLY, I probably won't get around to another REAL post until Friday... so hand on to your conical hats, gnomes... and wait till Friday.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Well, That went well

Actually, YEAH GNOMIES! It did. My Buffalo cousins left this morning, and I am sad to see them go. We did all sorts o cool stuff, like

Glazing Clay at Spirit of Clay                                             Yes, I made a list over there.
Eating Pizza
Hiding under the sink
Watching Hoarders
Eating Pizza
Tying the little two up with dog leashes
Taking Connor on a walk  

It was sweet having my cousins up here for a bit. And hey, if you're reading this, Clare and Meghan, I want to say HI! It's always fun having family over. Believe it or not, I'm not the only one. Dana is having her cuz and uncle over for a snap, too! It's like Family Reunions!  I had an awesome time! I could write about it, But, believe me, This is a great poem....

Cousins we'll forever be,
Friends from the same family tree.

Hey, I didn't write it. Anyways, my cousins are Meghan, 12, and Clare, 9. (You are 9, right clare? ): Sorry.) Thay are awesome, and I hope that all you gnomes out there see your family this labor day, too.

OVER AND OUT, my gnomes...


Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

So, It is labor day weekend, folks, and you all know what that means. Yes, my gnomes, it's a three day weekend. That means that this is an extra happy Friday, and my cousins are comin' over! Yep. Cousins, no aunts and no uncles, just cousins. It's pretty cool!

But on to the real article here... labor day. How many of you gnomes really know what labor day is? Well, it is pretty much  a day for laborers. I think as hard as they work it should be Labor Week!
GTG post more later, gnomes

Thursday, September 2, 2010

When Ducks Go, Well, Ducky on us

Hey! Sorry I have not posted pretty much, hmmm, since MONDAY, and yes, my good gnomies, it is Thursday. I was pretty darn busy with all the home work and extra stuff I had that I seemed to put Dandelions on the back burner. (Hey, it needed a good simmer.) Anyways, today I am posting about Ducks. Not real ducks, happily, but plastic ducks and a magazine selling biz. See, at my school there is a program where if you sell mags, you get Plastic Ducks, to win prizes with. They call you down to the office if you have each duck. EX- WILL ANYONE WITH THE XRAY THEME DUCK PLEASE COME GET A PRIZE and so on. But the only problem is.... you have to wear the plastic ducks to school. That's right. WEAR them. OK, this is well and good, but I don't know how to make a plastic duck necklace. Will anyone with ideas plz emil me? And, oh, BTW, post on the D I Y page what to do with all these ducks when the Magazine sale is over. Oye Vay.