Friday, November 26, 2010


Today I went to the biggest aquarium IN THE WORLD! I am on Thanksgiving break in Georgia where my cousin Alicia lives. Yesterday, as ya guys know, was Thanksgiving. It was very very yummah. But, that is besides the point, really. Today we went to the Aquarium and it is really quite amazing. We saw a huge tunnel that you can walk through, water on all sides! There is also all kinds of fish from all around the world, including pirannahs. I am posting the pic of the tunnel now.

It was pretty awesome amazing! Plus, I got a stuffed whale shark that I named Stingah for no particular reason at all. This is because - get ready for this - they have TWO WHALE SHARKS, biggest fish in the world there. It is really neat. Well. that's all for today, gnomes! P.S. below is a picture of a stuffed animal that looks like Stingah.

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