Friday, November 26, 2010


Today I went to the biggest aquarium IN THE WORLD! I am on Thanksgiving break in Georgia where my cousin Alicia lives. Yesterday, as ya guys know, was Thanksgiving. It was very very yummah. But, that is besides the point, really. Today we went to the Aquarium and it is really quite amazing. We saw a huge tunnel that you can walk through, water on all sides! There is also all kinds of fish from all around the world, including pirannahs. I am posting the pic of the tunnel now.

It was pretty awesome amazing! Plus, I got a stuffed whale shark that I named Stingah for no particular reason at all. This is because - get ready for this - they have TWO WHALE SHARKS, biggest fish in the world there. It is really neat. Well. that's all for today, gnomes! P.S. below is a picture of a stuffed animal that looks like Stingah.

Friday, November 12, 2010

That Random Picture of the Week

You know that every week, I have a new really random picture of the week on this blog. Or at least I try to. Well, look at the one that I posted this week. It really does cats some good. You know that one website with all the pictures of cats with bad grammar? Like this:

Yes, well, funny as it may be, (which it is, HA!) I do think that some cats rather like English and proper grammar. So, below, I have added a feline who would like to correct this fault for all cats who agree:

That is the picture of the week, gnomes! See why it is good to check?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Is An Itch?

Have you ever wondered what makes an itch? I have decided my posts should be a little more random and less about myself, because latley that has been what it is. So, I decided to research for YOU, gnomes, what makes an itch, well, an itch.

SO, In order to do that, I have to research. Hold on a sec. Ah! So, apparentley, an itch is when a tiny irratant settles on your skin. Then, your brain tells you to itch in order to remove the irritant. That little bit of scratching relieves the itch because the brain knows the irritant is probably gone.

Now I don't know about you, but in the course of researching, (thanks answerbag) and writing this post I have been itching and scratching up a storm. Is it just me, or does reading about itches make you itchy?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Live Journal- should I stay or should I go?

Hello, Gnomes.

I have been doing some thinking, and I think that I may move all my posting to another blogging site, Live Journal. It is still me, gnomes! Hey, though, don't stop reading Dandelions yet. I don't know yet, gnomes. It is just an idea because I like the template and layout better on Live Journal. I am currentley writing an online journal at that site, but it is a private journal, which means only I can see it. We'll see if I switch. Watch for decision posts gnomes!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Algae Tablets

Well, gnomes, we got two new snails after Olive and Libby, Rest In Peace. They are named Libby Two and Goldie. Of course, Mungo Snail, aka Ryan is still doing just peachy, kow, but I think I know something really awesome for snails. ALGAE TABLETS, GNOMES!!! We bought them and the new snails ate them up! They are active and healthy right now, kow, and I think this did the trick! We are using one every time they finifh it. Who knew they would love it?

Over and Out,
