Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If only I could Sleep IN!

I am writing this, but nobody is reading it. (That would be my guess anyways,) so I am going to just say this. In the mornings I am starting to feel a little more tired than usual.

Also check out if you get the chance.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

Always at New Years it is super interesante to kind of review the year at large... There was everything from Natural Disasters to new stars. (It was really this year that gave everyone Beiber Fever, right?) This year was to say the least, a really interesting year, I mean check out the world! There was some more frivolous stuff, like the cool new videogame tech... X BOX KINECT! (We got that for Christmas this year.) To important stuff, like the Haiti Earthquake and the Chilean Miners that were rescued. Well I have to go, so HAPPY NEW YEARS. And try to reflect upon all the awesome-ness of 2010. I wonder what 2011 will bring.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is Almost Here

I am so sorry for putting off this post for, well, forever.... I just have been really busy this holiday season. Christmas is right around the corner. I can't wait, and I will be furiously counting the days until it comes. I guess the most commonly wished for gift throughout my school would have to be..... an iPod. (That's what I want...) I am on a two week break now, as are all of you, and I am so happy! This is the first official day. I know it's only two weeks, but it is already feeling like FOREVER. Not one time, 7 days. TWO times with seven days. How could I not be happy this time of year? Who knows, who knows. Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Walkin' In a Winter Wonderland

Snow. For some, beautiful. For some, PUTRIDLY HORRIBLE! We have gotten quite a lot of snow latley, and I think that I am in the former category. I love snow! Yes, it is beautiful and white and fluffy, but there are also some bad parts. (I ALWAYS get snow in my gloves and boots, my socks always manage to fall off, and my scarf gets frosty.) But that is the way of snow, no? So I have compiled a list, well, actually two lists, about the best and worst of snow.

BEST                                                         WORST
  1.    You can sled in it                     You can crash into a tree and break your nose
  2.  You can make snowballs              Snowballs with stones..    
  3. You can build a snowman           The snowman melts and ruins your hat
  4. You can drink hot chocolate!       The hot chocolate can scald your tounge
  5. You can gaze at the pretty snow.   Once the snowplows come, the snow is not so pretty.. :P

Well, that's all for now gnomes! BTW, this one goes out to my cousin Alicia in Georgia! Sorry Alicia, hope you get some snow. :)                                                           

Quick Post

Yes People I am Still UPDATING THIS BLOG! Yarrg.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Today I went to the biggest aquarium IN THE WORLD! I am on Thanksgiving break in Georgia where my cousin Alicia lives. Yesterday, as ya guys know, was Thanksgiving. It was very very yummah. But, that is besides the point, really. Today we went to the Aquarium and it is really quite amazing. We saw a huge tunnel that you can walk through, water on all sides! There is also all kinds of fish from all around the world, including pirannahs. I am posting the pic of the tunnel now.

It was pretty awesome amazing! Plus, I got a stuffed whale shark that I named Stingah for no particular reason at all. This is because - get ready for this - they have TWO WHALE SHARKS, biggest fish in the world there. It is really neat. Well. that's all for today, gnomes! P.S. below is a picture of a stuffed animal that looks like Stingah.

Friday, November 12, 2010

That Random Picture of the Week

You know that every week, I have a new really random picture of the week on this blog. Or at least I try to. Well, look at the one that I posted this week. It really does cats some good. You know that one website with all the pictures of cats with bad grammar? Like this:

Yes, well, funny as it may be, (which it is, HA!) I do think that some cats rather like English and proper grammar. So, below, I have added a feline who would like to correct this fault for all cats who agree:

That is the picture of the week, gnomes! See why it is good to check?