Sunday, December 5, 2010

Walkin' In a Winter Wonderland

Snow. For some, beautiful. For some, PUTRIDLY HORRIBLE! We have gotten quite a lot of snow latley, and I think that I am in the former category. I love snow! Yes, it is beautiful and white and fluffy, but there are also some bad parts. (I ALWAYS get snow in my gloves and boots, my socks always manage to fall off, and my scarf gets frosty.) But that is the way of snow, no? So I have compiled a list, well, actually two lists, about the best and worst of snow.

BEST                                                         WORST
  1.    You can sled in it                     You can crash into a tree and break your nose
  2.  You can make snowballs              Snowballs with stones..    
  3. You can build a snowman           The snowman melts and ruins your hat
  4. You can drink hot chocolate!       The hot chocolate can scald your tounge
  5. You can gaze at the pretty snow.   Once the snowplows come, the snow is not so pretty.. :P

Well, that's all for now gnomes! BTW, this one goes out to my cousin Alicia in Georgia! Sorry Alicia, hope you get some snow. :)                                                           

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